Which Mistakes Are YOU Making?
Sure you can easily stroll into just
about any store and buy a lottery ticket. It's just that easy. That's just as
it should be. Playing the lottery can be a fun and easy diversion with the
chance of a major payoff. You, however, are a more serious player. The fact
that you are reading this shows that. You are motivated enough to wade through
detailed information to learn how to cut out the bad habits and practices and
find a better way to play the lottery in an intelligent manner. Here is a list
of 10 too common mistakes that lottery players make. Every single one of these
items could be costing you ticket money, time, frustration, and perhaps even
millions of dollars. Read them, take them to heart, and then put them into
Playing Birthdays as Lottery Number Picks
Trust me, I know. You have a series
of numbers that you have chosen based on your children's birthdays and the day
you got married and your mom and dad's wedding anniversary date. Bad move.
Here's why.
When you choose lottery numbers
based on meaningful dates you limit your choices to the number of days in a
month. In other words you are limited to numbers from a pool of 1 to 31. As an
example of the problem in this method think about this. In the Texas Lotto game
6 numbers are drawn from a pool of 54 numbers. 54 numbers give you a whopping
25,827,165 possible combinations! When you choose from the pool of numbers
ranging from 1 to 31, how many combinations do you think there are to choose
from? There are a measly little 736,281. Think about that. When you choose
between 1 and 31 you get 736,281 possible combinations BUT you absolutely,
positively lose out on the other 25,090,884 possible combinations! Choosing
birthday numbers decreases any chance of your having the winning combination by
almost 97%. That's insane.
I know, you read about several
people who chose birthday numbers and won millions. I also realize that your
string of birthday numbers has EXACTLY the same chance of being drawn as any of
the other 25,827,165 possible combinations. It's true, each combination has the
same chance of being drawn. Still, are you willing to cut out almost 97% of
your possible winning chances? I am not willing to give up almost all of the
possible winning combinations simply to use sentimental choices. My goal is to
play smarter than that.
Inconsistent Playing
Consistency pays. It is to your
advantage to be a little fanatical about making sure you are in the mix for
every drawing. Lottery corporations constantly chant the mantra 'You Can't Win
If You Don't Play' as a sales tool, but they are right on the money. You can't
win if you don't play! You should never miss playing the game of your choice,
the one you have set your sights on winning. If you cannot afford to play some
system you are fond of or as many tickets as you wish you could, if you have no
partners to pool money with, whatever the reason, you should ALWAYS have at
least one ticket in each and every drawing in your game.
Some lottery guides give the advice
to stay out of certain overplayed drawings. Perhaps if the odds are extreme,
the competition too fierce, or the payoffs too small, then yes. But in general
there is no good reason to sit out. Think about this, what if the numbers you
meant to play were chosen the one night you chose to watch that rerun of that
sitcom rather than traipse out into the world to get your ticket? If that
happens, don't call me to cry, though I would like to hear the story. Just
don't expect a shoulder to cry on. You've been warned. Sitting out with not
even one ticket is the same as saying you don't want the chance of becoming
filthy rich this week.
Playing the Wrong Lottery Games
Have you ever really considered
which games you play and why? How much money do you really need to win? What
amount of winnings would make an impact on your life? Here in Texas we have
many different choices. You can play a large multi-state game like
Mega-Millions with HUGE multi-million dollar payoffs but the unfortunate odds
of only 1 chance in 175,711,536 of taking home the jackpot! Wow, that's one
ticket for each of over half the population of the U.S.A.
On the other hand the Texas Two-Step
lottery prize begins at $200,000 and has often reached a million dollars. The odds
of winning the smaller game are only 1 in 1,832,600! By switching from the
Mega-Millions game to the Texas Two-Step you increase your chance of winning a
prize by over 95 times! Put another
way you would have to buy 95 Mega-Millions tickets to have the same odds of
winning with one Texas Two-Step ticket.
In the area you live there are
probably the same choices between small games with small prizes like pick thee
games, five and six ball games with mid-range payouts, and the huge multi-state
games with incredible odds against you.
Playing Too Much or Too Little
You should first decide which game
is the best one for you to play, than make a commitment to play it regularly.
Next it would be wise to make a quick budget of what you can afford to play or
what you are comfortable wagering. I once read about a young immigrant man in
Houston, Texas who won several million dollars. Great news! Then I read that he
played several hundred dollars worth of tickets each week for several years
before winning. I actually worried a bit for him. Everyone has a budget they
can live with but most could not and would not want to spend that much money on
lottery tickets. Was he married? Was he neglecting his family? Did he have a
gambling problem?
So please, spend on lottery only the
excess small amounts you might normally spend on coffees or other treats. Do
not spend money you cannot afford to lose. Make sure you can afford the game
you play. But make sure you also play, at least once in every drawing. The one
headline you will never see is the person that didn't buy a ticket and still
won the lottery.
Playing Common Combinations of
Read this carefully. It would be a
good idea to avoid strange combinations of numbers. Examples would be
1-2-3-4-5-6 or 49-50-51-52-53-54. Avoid sequence choices such as
5-10-15-20-25-30 or 2-4-6-8-10-12 or 7-14-21-28-35-49. Never fill out a lottery
slip by checking all of the boxes on the left, or right, or spelling out a
number or letter or word with the darkened squares on the play slip.
Why? Because in every drawing there
are dozens, sometimes hundreds, and even thousands of folks doing the same
thing as you. Imagine going to bed after checking your numbers and knowing you
had won a million dollars, only to wake up the next morning to discover 99
other folks are sharing your million dollar dream. Hey, any lottery win is
better than no lottery win, but a million dollars will take you a lot farther
in life than $10,000! Go for the big one, and if you have to share, hope it is
with a lotto pool partner instead of 99 strangers.
Using Faulty Data, Math, or Systems
Many systems have better written
advertisements than actual materials and plans, and others use cumbersome
software or require endless hours of drudgery and record keeping. Many are some
form of wheeling system that works best (and only a little better than simply
chance) if you can afford to buy hundreds of tickets in a drawing. It is easy
to lose interest when a lot of work is required and the chance of winning does
not change much with the system. Seek out the best ways of playing, ways that
create more winners, require little or no work on your part, and are easy to
Giving Up On the Dream Too Soon
Have you ever heard of the 'loser's
limp'? It is said that many a football player will make a stunning run down the
field, magically skirting past opposing team members, only to slow and falter
in the final few yards, being tackled, and failing to make that all important
touchdown. You may have seen players do this very thing and wondered what in
the world they were doing. At times it makes me even wonder if the darn game is
fixed! Truth is though, loser's limp is real and to be found not just in
football but in every human endeavor. It's always darkest before the dawn is
what they say. Remember, if you don't play you can't win. That one drawing you
miss might have been the one. Persistence pays!
Don't give up on the dream. You CAN
win the lottery! Someone will!
Being Tempted By New Plans and
There are dozens if not hundreds of
complicated plans and schemes out there that use slick ads and empty promises
to sell the latest flavor of information on how to win the lottery. One mistake
many players make is to fall to the temptation of the slick advertising and
empty promises. Are you one of those people who always must try every new
lottery "winning" system you see? Do you buy tickets one way for a
few weeks and then totally switch your methods? Lottery games are mostly a
losing proposition. The odds are HUGE and against you. Spending time and money
on various faulty systems, plans, and software takes away from your goal of
actually taking home the big one. Find one good method and stick with it for
the long haul.
Not Using Guaranteed Lottery Numbers
You have so many choices on how to
approach lottery games. You can just blindly buy quick pick tickets and let
fate have its way with you. How has that worked out over the years?
Or you can invest large amounts of
cash into complicated systems, hard to figure out software, and keeping records
of cool and hot numbers, number sums, wheeling choices, and a thousand other
details, and in the end have just about the same chance of winning the lottery
as when you began.
Spending Money on Less Effective
I am not a big fan of, nor can I ever
suggest that you spend money on, 'scratch-off' style games. Lottery odds are
bad enough but if you dig deep in the odds and payout figures on scratch off
tickets, WOW, they are a major hole in the ocean in which to toss your hard
earned cash.
I can almost hear you saying
"But come on, they are a fun diversion". Hey, it's your money so
spend it how you want to spend it but know in advance it is a losing
proposition. Unlike the lottery where creative types have found a few ways that
can significantly affect the odds making it a chance worth taking, scratch-off
tickets are like shooting in the dark. Often the bullet will hit you!
If you are going to tell me about
Uncle Louie who "always wins with those things," well, I have dozens
of friends and not one of them ever has returned from Las Vegas with tales of
losing money. They ALL won. However do the casinos pay the electric bills on
all of those neon signs? For the smart player scratch-offs are not an option.